
Introduction to Localization Techniques on Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN)

In a high risk observation area, sensor nodes area randomly deployed. Meanwhile, the sensing data will be meaningless without the knowledge of where the data is coming from.
Localization technique in WSN is required to estimate the position of sensor nodes which are deployed previously.
Smart sensing technology employs a lot of sensor nodes which have the capability to estimate their position in distributed topology.


Download Lecture Note Fundamental of Wireless Sensor Networks and Localization Techniques (Dasar Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel dan Teknik-teknik Lokalisasi)

Granted Research Topics by Indonesian Government

  1. Skema Kompetitif Nasional, Penelitian Tesis Magister, (2020), "Kombinasi Histogram of Oriented Gradients dan Particle Filter Untuk Sistim Pendeteksi dan Tracking Obyek"(abstract-Ina)
  2. Skema Kompetitif Nasional, Penelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi (dengan Institut Bisnis dan Informatika STIKOM Surabaya), (2020-2021), "Sistem Komunikasi Jarak Jauh untuk Pelacakan Posisi Pengunjung Tempat Wisata dalam Upaya Peningkatan Keamanan Pariwisata Nasional"(abstract-Ina)
  3. Skema Kompetitif Nasional, Penelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi (dengan Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis), (2020-2021), "Implementasi of Smart Environment Station Sensors Integrated In server Cloud Iot Platform Sebagai Indikator Kualitas Udara Secara Realtime Untuk Monitoring Dampak Pencemaran Udara Akibat Kebakaran Hutan Gambut"(abstract-Ina)
  4. Skema Desentralisasi, Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, (2020-2021),"Sistem Pencarian Korban Bencana Alam secara efektif Bekerjasama dengan BASARNAS kota Surabaya berbasis mobile WSN"(abstract-Ina)
  5. Skema Desentralisasi DIKTI, Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, (2018-2019),"Peningkatan performansi Physical Layer Security (PHYSEC) pada Perangkat IoT"(abstract-Ina)
  6. Hibah Desentralisasi DIKTI Skema Penelitian Terapan Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, (2017-2018),"Solusi inovasi healthcare untuk perawatan pasien paliatif di rumah sakit"(abstract-Ina)
  7. Hibah Desentralisasi DIKTI Skema Penelitian Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi, (2016-2017),“Implementasi Metode Lokalisasi Terdistribusi Untuk Penentuan Posisi Pasukan di Medan Perang Menuju Era Mobilitas Cerdas”, (abstract-Ina)
  8. Penelitian Lokal PENS, (2016-2017),“Implementasi Smart Wireless Network untuk Menunjang Inovasi Ekosistem di Sebuah Kota Pintar”, (abstract-Ina)
  9. Hibah Desentralisasi DIKTI Skema Penelitian Fundamental, 2014, “Skema Lokalisasi Hybrid Berdasarkan Kuat Sinyal Terima Untuk Mengestimasi Posisi Perangkat Stasioner Pada Jaringan Nirkabel”, (abstract-Ina)
  10. Hibah Desentralisasi DIKTI Skema Disertasi Doktor, 2013, “Skema Lokalisasi Range-Free Dengan Metode Weighted Least Square Untuk Perbaikan Estimasi Posisi Node Statis Pada Jaringan Sensor Nirkabel”, (abstract-Ina)
  11. Penelitian Lokal PENS Dana BOPTN, 2012, "Mekanisme Peletakan Node Sensor untuk Pendeteksi Pusat Bencana Pada Sistim Evaluasi dan Monitoring Kebencanaan Nasional"
  12. Penelitian Lokal PENS Dana BOPTN, 2011,"Estimasi Posisi Sensor Berdasarkan Kuat Sinyal Dan Konektifitasnya Pada Aplikasi Monitoring Temperatur Ruangan Di PENS-ITS"
  13. Penelitian Lokal PENS Dana BOPTN, 2010,"Pemodelan Matematika Untuk Bidang Temperatur Pada Luasan Yang Terkena Dampak Sebaran Api Pada Kasus Kebakaran Hutan"

Some Past and Current Projects on Localization and Tracking Method for Smart Environment Applications:

I. DOLLY (Distributed nOde LocaLization sYstem) Project
In this project we developed the initial distributed nodes which had the capability to calculate its position using the assist of the other reference nodes which had the knowledge of their position. Each distributed node was build using ARM or Arduino Microcontroller, and it could communicate with the reference node using Zigbee 2.4 MHz module. The distributed node sent its estimated position to server wirelessly. The server, furthermore, displayed the estimated position of each nodes simultaneously on the server room.
  1. Anggarica MP, Taufiqurrahman, Prima K, PA PENS 2012, Real Time Visualization System for Node Position Monitoring in WSN based on Zigbee Communication(abstract-Ina)
  2. M. Roziq, Prima K, Amang S, PA PENS 2013, Node Positioning System using Imote2 for WSN Applications (abstract-Ina)
  3. Ginanjar SA, Prima K, Rahardita W, PA PENS 2013, Development of Testbed Sensor Nodes for Distributed Localization on WSN using IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol (abstract-Ina)
  4. Inda S.P, Prima K, Hary O, PA PENS 2013, Development of Distributed Localization Receiving Module on WSN using IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol(abstract-Ina)
  5. Tri S, Prima K, Rahardita W, PA PENS 2014, WSN Application for Hotspot Tracking inside the Building (abstract-Ina)
  6. Raka D.P, Prima K, Amang S, PA PENS 2014, Hotspot Monitoring System using Android Smartphone Applications(abstract-Ina)
  7. Rony H, Amang S, Prima K, PA PENS 2015, Waspmote Implementation for Safely Environment Monitoring based on WSN(abstract-Ina)
  8. Agung S, Prima K, Akuwan Saleh, PA PENS 2015, Development Android-based Personal Tracking System for Monitoring Children Activity (abstract-Ina)
In this project we developed the moving nodes with the capability to calculate its position using the assist of the other reference nodes which had the knowledge of their position. This is the prototype of Troops Activity Monitoring System in Battlefield. Node is installed at the helmet of troops, it means that node moves according to the movement of troops in battlefield. All involved nodes in the system are equipped with data security process to avoid the attack of enemies. The security process is held from data acquisition from anchor nodes to server processing. The various methods of data securitiy are employed in this project.
  1. Adam S.P, Prima K, Amang S, PA PENS 2016, Design Secure Localization Platform on Wireless Networks for Node Position Security in Application of Troops Formation Strategy Monitoring(abstract-Ina)
  2. Nuskha I.A, Prima K, H. Amran D., PA PENS 2016, Implementation of AES Algorithm to Secure Data Positioning Acquisition for Troops Tracking Application in Battlefield (abstract-Ina)
  3. Bimantara K.P, Prima K, Amang S, PA PENS 2016, Analysis and Evaluation of Indoor Secure Localization using Waspmote Platform (abstract-Ina)
  4. Jodi R.S, Prima K, Amang S, PA PENS 2016, Design Secure Localization Platform on Wireless Networks for Centralized Node Positioning in Application of Troops Formation Strategy Monitoring (abstract-Ina)
  5. Tian A.R, Prima K, A. Zainudin, PA PENS 2016, Moving Object Real Time Tracking System Application based on Android (abstract-Ina)


III. Smart City Park Project
Nowadays, government is focusing to make general facilities for smart city development. It needs wisdom attitude of citizen to take care these facilities. One of the facility is a city park where people could take a clean air in spite of the worst pollution around them. The smart city park is developed for the smart citizen who have awarness to throw the garbage into trash bin. This people has a change to access free internet in this smart city park as well. Meanwhile, to implement the awareness on identity card owning, only citizen with valid identity who could access free internet in smart city park. We design the infrastructure with the above critera and implementing it in the form of smart city park prototype.
  1. Fajar M.R, Prima K, Aries P, PA PENS 2017, Smart City Park Project: Design of Smart Trash Bin based on WSN (abstract-Ina)
  2. M. Ristra M, Prima K, A. Alimudin, PA PENS 2017, Smart City Park Project: Design of Routing Network System and Data Security for Registration Process in Internet Access (abstract-Ina)
  3. Afifah D.R, Prima K, Tessy B., PA PENS 2017, Smart City Park Project: Design of Population Database and the Interconnection with Multi Networks (abstract-Ina)


Other Projects

Some other titles and abstracts of thesis and and Final Project are provided in this page

Related Links

Basic Project Sensor Networks Localization: NSL Imote2 Sensor Networks Localization
NS-2 for simulation of localization technique in wireless sensor networks: WSN Localisation
Download How to install NS-2 and Configure WSN using it:WSN Configuration in NS-2
See DOLLY Project: DOLLY-1
See Localization of Sensor Nodes in WSN NS3 Project: NS3 Project for Localization
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